How to Write a Blog-Post: A Step by Step Guide

May 24, 2023 | By Aishna Pathak

Blogging is something that has been into the trend for ages now.

A blog can be written upon any topic let it be a Celebrity blog post, Informational Blog post, News blog, Food Blog, Entertainment Blog, Fashion blog, etc.

There are a huge number of people who search for relevant information and blogs are written to provide that relevant information on the topics that are most searched for. The blog that gets the highest number of views ranks on the top on Search Engine.

People have personal blogs and businesses use blogs to create traffic on their website and to attract the audience towards their brand.

Not everyone is aware of your brand but if you post blogs and they search for it, your website's blog would appear and they would in this way come across your website and brand.

Why do businesses blog for their brands?

For people to recognize and know about your brand, they need to come across your website and blogging is the way to do it.

Blogging strengthens the SEO of your website and increases its reach to the people.

Well-designed and informative blogs make people get curious and make them go through the website. Through blogging these visitors can be turned into potential leads.

Blogging creates traffic on websites.

Blogging is a good way to develop a relationship with the audience. High-quality Content, Genuine information is a way to gain the trust of the viewer in your brand.

How to Write a Blog-Post?

1. Select a Niche

Before beginning to write blogs, select your niche.
On what imaginable topics you would like to write blogs on. What information might interest your audience?

2. Create your Blog domain

You need a page to manage all your website blogs and for this your need to choose a domain and Content Management System (CMS).
CMS will help you in creating and managing the domain (website) and the sub-domain (connecting page to the website).

3. Choose the topics that are mostly searched for

Just because you're well versed with a topic doesn't mean people will be interested in it.
To get the views on your blog, you've to write about a topic that people are looking answers for.

4. Know your audience

While taking Marketing decisions you would like to research about your target audience. Right?
The same way while blogging, try to know what people are looking from your Brand.
Understand the needs and requirements of your readers. Ask them for feedback. Check the comments section. Sometimes, you might find an idea through the comments on your blog.

5. Customize your blog-page

Customize your blog page according to the theme of your website or the things that will be posted on it.
Include your logo and about us pages in it to keep the brand identity in front of the viewers.

6. Use compelling headlines or titles

Just like taglines grab attenuation of the customers and convince them to buy the products, headlines or titles attract people and generate curiosity among readers.
Make your headlines creative, compelling, and relevant to the post.

7. Make introductory paragraph interesting

The starting 5 seconds any user spends on your website are very critical.
If you have a dull beginning to the blog people will lose interest in reading the blog further.
The introductory paragraph is like a trailer to the whole blog and it should be engaging enough and written in a way that makes the whole blog interesting to be read.

8. Use bullet points

Lengthy paragraphs make the blog mundane and uninteresting. To engage people with your blog, divide it into several paragraphs with proper labeling.
Using bullet points will put emphasis on the content and make it easier to comprehend by the people while increasing its impact.

9. Include pictures and graphics

Pictures and graphics make everything better.
Pictures and graphics are not only very attractive to look at, but they also enhance the appearance of your blog and make the content easier to understand.

10. Call-to-action

Adding Call-to-actions on your blogs increase the chance of converting your audience into customers.
Adding a Subscribe button on your blog can turn your visitor into a permanent reader of your blog.
If any visitor liked the products you have described, that can excite him to buy that product right away, so adding a CTA is always beneficial.

11. Proofread

You do not want people to leave negative comments, comment where they are correcting you or bad reactions so before you post your blogs make sure you have proofread them and edited them with the required changes.



You are all set to post your blog!

Blogging is not just about providing information, it has become a two-way process where you provide information in exchange for your viewers’ information that can be used to turn them into leads for your business.

Businesses should blog for their brands so that their reputation can be built and their SEO could be strengthened to ensure further persistent growth.